Apollo Bay, Victoria

Postcode: 3233

Latitude: -38.748

Longitude: 143.670

Locality: Country Victoria

State: Victoria (capital: Melbourne - 153km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Geelong, VIC (90km away)

Area Code: 03 (+61 3 from overseas)
Warning - Parts of northern Victoria use area code 02.

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 24/12/2024 06:44:26 pm

Nearest Airport: Avalon Airport (105km away)

Nearest Train Station: Gerangamete Station (30km away)

Nearest Hotels:
Beeches By The Sea (0.2km away)
Beach Holiday Cottage (0.3km away)
Apollo Bay Holiday Park (0.4km away)
Sandpiper Motel (0.4km away)
Picnics B & B (0.4km away)
Paradise Court (0.4km away)
7 Falls Apartments (0.5km away)
Seaview Motel & Apartments (0.5km away)
The Dolphin Apartments (0.5km away)
Angela's Guest House (0.5km away)
Lighthouse Keepers Inn (0.5km away)
Apollo Bay Waterfront Motor Inn (0.6km away)
Coastal Motel (0.6km away)
The Apollo (0.6km away)
Beachfront Motel (0.7km away)
More Hotels near Apollo Bay

Nearby Geographical Features:
Apollo Bay (1.1km away)
Cape Marengo (2.1km away)
Otway Ranges (12km away)
Blanket Bay (12km away)
Mount Sabine (14km away)
Cape Patton (15km away)
Lake Craven (17km away)
Cape Otway (19km away)
Rotten Point (24km away)
Castle Cove (29km away)
Moonlight Head (36km away)
Point Ronald (45km away)
Fergusons Hill (46km away)
Lake Colac (50km away)
Lake Ondit (56km away)
Mount Gellibrand (58km away)
Mount Porndon (59km away)
Lake Beeac (61km away)
Lough Calvert (63km away)
Point Addis (64km away)
Lake Purrumbete (64km away)
Point Hesse (66km away)
Lake Murdeduke (66km away)
Mount Hesse (66km away)
Lake Cundare (67km away)

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