French Island, Victoria

Postcode: 3921

Latitude: -38.343

Longitude: 145.339

Locality: Country Victoria

State: Victoria (capital: Melbourne - 67km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Melbourne, VIC (67km away)

Area Code: 03 (+61 3 from overseas)
Warning - Parts of northern Victoria use area code 02.

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 23/02/2025 05:14:28 am

Nearest Airport: Melbourne Moorabbin Airport (46km away)

Nearest Train Station: Stony Point Station (11km away)

Nearest Hotels:
Corinella On The Esplanade Bed & Breakfast (11km away)
Oak Tree Lodge (14km away)
Rhyll Haven Luxury Apartments and B&B (14km away)
Silver Waters Bed & Breakfast (14km away)
Gordon Island Retreat (14km away)
Waves Apartments (14km away)
Waterfront at Waves (14km away)
The Castle - Villa by the Sea (14km away)
Cscape Beachfront Apartments (14km away)
507 At The Waves (15km away)
Comfort Resort Kaloha Phillip Island (15km away)
Genesta House (15km away)
Seahorse Motel (15km away)
Holmwood Guesthouse (15km away)
Elsford Close Holiday Home (15km away)

Nearby Geographical Features:
Clump Lagoon (2.2km away)
French Island (2.6km away)
Mount Wellington (2.6km away)
Western Port (2.7km away)
The Pinnacles (3.3km away)
Harrops Hill (4.6km away)
River Point (6.8km away)
Barrilliar Island (6.9km away)
The Duck Splash (7.4km away)
Stockyard Point (7.5km away)
Bird Rock (8.3km away)
Long Point (8.3km away)
Rams Island (8.3km away)
Pecks Point (8.5km away)
Elizabeth Island (8.6km away)
Pelican Island (9.3km away)
Long Island (9.7km away)
Eastern Passage (9.8km away)
Freemans Point (10km away)
Palmers Point (10km away)
Inner Western Passage (10km away)
Tortoise Head (10km away)
Adams Point (10km away)
Crib Point (11km away)
Sandstone Island (11km away)

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