Mirboo, Victoria

Postcode: 3871

Latitude: -38.472

Longitude: 146.208

Locality: Country Victoria

State: Victoria (capital: Melbourne - 131km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Melbourne, VIC (131km away)

Area Code: 03 (+61 3 from overseas)
Warning - Parts of northern Victoria use area code 02.

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 22/02/2025 08:47:01 pm

Nearest Airport: Melbourne Moorabbin Airport (111km away)

Nearest Train Station: David (29km away)

Nearest Hotels:
Loves Lane Cottages (7.6km away)
Abington Briars Cottage (16km away)
Comfort Inn Foster (19km away)
Wilsons Promontory Motel (20km away)
Prom Central Caravan Park (20km away)
Meeniyan Motel (21km away)
Toora Lodge Motel (22km away)
Birches (22km away)
Emerald Hills Cottage (22km away)
Opal Motel (22km away)
Leongatha Motel (23km away)
Toora Tourist Park (23km away)
Tindoona Cottages (24km away)
Short Stays Gippsland (30km away)
Halcyon Cottage Retreat (30km away)
More Hotels near Mirboo

Nearby Geographical Features:
York Hill (7.7km away)
Mount Fatigue (13km away)
Mount Square Top (15km away)
Beech Hill (18km away)
Lays Hill (19km away)
Silcocks Hill (23km away)
Agnes Falls (24km away)
Mount Hoddle (26km away)
Slades Hill (27km away)
Kays Hill (29km away)
The Haunted Hills (30km away)
Ross Hill (30km away)
Mount Worth (30km away)
Grass Tree Hill (32km away)
Doughboy Island (33km away)
Cooks Hill (34km away)
Little Snake Island (34km away)
Holmes Hill (35km away)
Lewis Channel (35km away)
Pratts Hill (35km away)
Corner Inlet (36km away)
Bald Hill (38km away)
Stockyard Hill (38km away)
Mount Misery (38km away)
Shallow Inlet (38km away)

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