Maitland, New South Wales

Population: 53,391 *

Latitude: -32.735

Longitude: 151.559

Dialing Code: 02 (+61 2 from overseas)

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 27/03/2025 01:37:41 pm

* Source for population data: 2001 census figures

Maitland in north-east New South Wales was founded in 1820. Originally three seperate towns, West Maitland, East Maitland and Morpeth, it amalgamated in 1945 forming the city as it is today.

The city is situated on the Hunter River, and as such was subjected to a series of serious floods throughout the early 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

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