Alice Springs, Northern Territory

Population: 23,384 *

Latitude: -23.700

Longitude: 133.881

Dialing Code: 08 (+61 8 from overseas)

Time Zone: ACST - Australian Central Standard Time (UTC+9.5)

Current Time: 26/03/2025 03:10:01 am

* Source for population data: 2001 census figures

Alice Springs (known as Mparntwe to it's traditional Aboriginal inhabitants) is a town in the Northern Territory, almost in the dead centre of Australia. The town is pronbably best known for it's proximity to Uluru (Ayer's Rock) approximately 300km to the south.

Alice Springs, originally called Stuart, was settled as a frontier outpost on the trade route between north and south Australia. It was renamed in 1933.

Tourism is a huge industry in Alice Springs, as the nearby monolith Uluru brings in half a million visitors per year.

There is a strong American influence in Alice Springs due to the nearby US military satellite tracking station Pine Gap. As a result, American holidays are celibrated in Alice and popular US sports are played alongside more usual Australian activities.

Hotels in Alice Springs

Other Urban Centres in Northern Territory

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