Darwin, Northern Territory

Population: 68,694 *

Latitude: -12.461

Longitude: 130.842

Dialing Code: 08 (+61 8 from overseas)

Time Zone: ACST - Australian Central Standard Time (UTC+9.5)

Current Time: 07/03/2025 03:18:41 am

* Source for population data: 2001 census figures

Darwin, in the north (or the "Top End") of the Northern Territory is the state's capital city, located on the coast of the Timor Sea.

Darwin's main industry comes in the forms of mining and tourism. The military also have a large presence in the area, with no less than four barracks and air bases in the region.

Due to it's northern location Darwin is very multicultural and is home to people of over 70 nationalities. It also has 7 sister cities world-wide: Anchorage in Alaska (USA), Ambon in Indonesia, Dili in East Timor, Honolulu in Hawaii, USA, Milikapiti in the Tiwi Islands, Haikou in China and Kalymnos in Greece.

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