Bundaberg, Queensland

Population: 44,154 *

Latitude: -24.866

Longitude: 152.349

Dialing Code: 07 (+61 7 from overseas)

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10)

Current Time: 31/03/2025 03:04:59 am

* Source for population data: 2001 census figures

The south-east Queensland city of Bundaberg was founded in 1867, but not named until 1870. Today it's main industries are sugar cane production, tourism and fruit and vegetable farming. The city's tourism is mainly thanks to it's proximity to the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef.

One of Bundaberg's most famous products is Bundaberg Rum, enjoyed all over Australia and exported world-wide.

Hotels in Bundaberg

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