Hervey Bay, Queensland
Population: 35,106 *
Latitude: -25.290
Longitude: 152.850
Dialing Code: 07 (+61 7 from overseas)
Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10)
Current Time: 29/03/2025 02:14:32 am
* Source for population data: 2001 census figures
Hervey Bay in south-eastern Queensland is a resort city that has been formed from an amalgamation of growing seaside villages in the last 25 years. The bay itself is a large sweeping beach on the South Pacific shore with several others close by, and these beaches and the subtropical climate make the area a very popular tourist destination.
Hervey Bay's sister cities are Otsuki in Japan and Temuka in New Zealand's South Island.
• Other Urban Centres in Queensland
• List of Urban Centres throughout Australia