Mackay, Queensland
Population: 57,321 *
Latitude: -21.143
Longitude: 149.187
Dialing Code: 07 (+61 7 from overseas)
Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10)
Current Time: 22/02/2025 10:25:55 am
* Source for population data: 2001 census figures
Mackay, on the eastern coast of Queensland, lies approximately 900 km north of Brisbane. The city is in the sub-tropics and has a year-round average temperature of 23 degrees celcius.
Mackay is sometimes called the sugar capital of Australia as huge amounts of land in the area are used for producing one-third of Australia's sugar cane crop, although economically it is coal mining that is the dominant industry.
Captain James Cook became one of the first white men to visit the Mackay region when he landed on the coast on 1st June 1770.
• Other Urban Centres in Queensland
• List of Urban Centres throughout Australia