Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Population: 165,089 *
Latitude: -26.607
Longitude: 153.061
Dialing Code: 07 (+61 7 from overseas)
Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10)
Current Time: 01/03/2025 03:21:10 am
* Source for population data: 2001 census figures
Sunshine Coast is located in south-east Queensland, north of the state capital Brisbane. It is a popular tourism centre and home to beautiful beaches, national parks and many popular attractions including Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo, Aussie World, the Majestic Theatre and the Big Pineapple.
The first European residents of Sunshine Coast were castaways in the early 1800s who lived with the local Aboriginal people for eight months.
• Other Urban Centres in Queensland
• List of Urban Centres throughout Australia