Adelaide, South Australia

Population: 995,955 *

Latitude: -34.926

Longitude: 138.600

Dialing Code: 08 (+61 8 from overseas)

Time Zone: ACST - Australian Central Standard Time (UTC+9.5), ACDT - Australian Central Daylight Time (UTC+10.5)

Current Time: 23/03/2025 10:21:02 pm

* Source for population data: 2001 census figures

Adelaide is the state capital of South Australia and the fifth largest city in the country. Named after Queen Adelaide and founded in 1836, Adelaide was the only original settlement of non-convicts in Australia.

Adelaide enjoys an almost mediterranean climate, and is known for it's beautiful botanical gardens and parks. The near-by Barossa Valley is one of the most famous wine-making regions in Australia.

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Other Urban Centres in South Australia

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