Albany, Western Australia
Population: 22,256 *
Latitude: -35.024
Longitude: 117.884
Dialing Code: 08 (+61 8 from overseas)
Time Zone: AWST - Australian Western Standard Time (UTC+8)
Current Time: 04/03/2025 03:27:32 am
* Source for population data: 2001 census figures
Albany, over 400 kilometres south of Perth was founded in 1826, making it the oldest continuous settlement in Western Australia. It was named in 1832 after Prince Frederick, the Duke of Albany.
Industry in Albany is primarily tourism, fishing and farming. Tourism is well catered for here, with attractions such as the Bibbulmun Track which starts here and is nearly 1,000km long, and many beautiful beaches.
• Other Urban Centres in Western Australia
• List of Urban Centres throughout Australia