Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Population: 28,196 *
Latitude: -30.748
Longitude: 121.472
Dialing Code: 08 (+61 8 from overseas)
Time Zone: AWST - Australian Western Standard Time (UTC+8)
Current Time: 26/03/2025 08:38:37 am
* Source for population data: 2001 census figures
Surrounded by desert, Kalgoorlie in southern Western Australia is a mining town approximately 600 kilometres east of Perth, the state capital. Kalgoorlie was born as a settlement for gold mining in 1893 after prospectors found gold in the area, and to this day mining remains the largest industry in the area.
Other than mining the main souce of industry in Kalgoorlie is tourism, mainly due to the history of the town in the days of the Australian Gold Rush. Popular attractions here include The Museum of the Goldfields, the Royal Flying Doctor Visitor Centre, The Tjulyuru Culural Centre, and the Golden Mile Super Pit - Australia's largest open-cut gold mine, still being mined today and so large that it is visible from space.
In 1989 Kalgoorlie amalgamated with neighbouring Shire of Boulder to create Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
• Other Urban Centres in Western Australia
• List of Urban Centres throughout Australia