East Lynne, New South Wales

Postcode: 2536

Latitude: -35.579

Longitude: 150.259

Locality: New Country West

State: New South Wales (capital: Sydney - 209km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Nowra, NSW (85km away)

Area Code: 02 (+61 2 from overseas)
Warning - Parts of southern New South Wales use area code 03.

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 22/02/2025 06:56:45 pm

Nearest Airport: Moruya Airport (37km away)

Nearest Train Station: Mount Fairy Station (75km away)

Nearest Hotels:
Greenwood Park Estate (2.4km away)
Durras Lake North Holiday Park (7.5km away)
Lakesea Park (8.2km away)
BIG4 South Durras Holiday Park (9.0km away)
NRMA Murramarang Beachfront Nature Resort (11km away)
Bundle Hill Cottages (12km away)
Batemans Bay Manor - Bed and Breakfast (12km away)
Bawley Bush Retreat and Cottages (13km away)
Interludes at Bawley (13km away)
BIG4 Nelligen Holiday Park (14km away)
Sea Nest (14km away)
Baytime B&B (14km away)
Longbeach Clifftop Retreat (14km away)
Lincoln Downs Resort and Spa (15km away)
Bay Waters Holiday Resort (15km away)
More Hotels near East Lynne

Nearby Geographical Features:
Mount O'Hara (6.7km away)
Durras Water (7.1km away)
Dawson Islands (8.2km away)
Grasshopper Island (9.0km away)
Point Upright (9.0km away)
O'Hara Island (9.8km away)
Wasp Head (10km away)
Beagle Bay (11km away)
Wasp Island (11km away)
O'Hara Head (11km away)
Flat Rock (14km away)
Brush Island (15km away)
Acheron Ledge (15km away)
Meroo Lake (15km away)
Three Islet Reef (15km away)
Square Head (16km away)
Reef Point (16km away)
First Sandy Point (17km away)
North Head (17km away)
Observation Head (18km away)
Snapper Island (18km away)
Bawley Point (18km away)
Stokes Island (18km away)
Batemans Bay (19km away)
Crampton Island (20km away)

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