Millers Bluff, Tasmania

Postcode: 7030

Latitude: -41.911

Longitude: 147.162

State: Tasmania (capital: Hobart - 109km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Launceston, TAS (52km away)

Area Code: 03 (+61 3 from overseas)

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 23/02/2025 06:32:42 am

Nearest Airport: Launceston Airport (41km away)

Nearest Train Station: None - see Trains in Tasmania

Nearest Hotels:
Ivy on Glenelg (27km away)
Ross Motel (30km away)
Ross B&B Accommodation (30km away)
Colonial Cottages of Ross (30km away)
Gumtrees Cottage Stables (30km away)
Christopher Hall's Colonial Accommodation (30km away)
Gumtrees Cottage (30km away)
Elm Trees Accommodation @ Ross (31km away)
Brambletye Lodge (32km away)
Brickendon (33km away)
The Racecourse Inn (34km away)
White Dove Cottage Bed and Breakfast (35km away)
Aggie's Bed and Breakfast (35km away)
Longford Boutique Accommodation (35km away)
Jolly Painter Bed and Breakfast (37km away)

Nearby Geographical Features:
Millers Bluff (4.0km away)
Mount Kingston (4.4km away)
O'Connor Peak (10km away)
Jacobs Sugarloaf (13km away)
Little Lake (13km away)
Mount Patrick (15km away)
Tasmania (17km away)
Badger Hill (17km away)
Tods Hill (20km away)
Mount Franklin (20km away)
Bradys Lookout (20km away)
Lake Sorell (21km away)
Diprose Lagoon (22km away)
Mount Penny (22km away)
Hummocky Hills (23km away)
Woods Lake (23km away)
Alma Pass (26km away)
Lagoon of Islands (28km away)
Lake Crescent (28km away)
Mount Augusta (29km away)
Goldies Sugarloaf (31km away)
Pine Island (32km away)
Old Mans Head (32km away)
Kangaroo Island (33km away)
Lochmaben (33km away)

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