Tamworth, New South Wales
Population: 32,440 *
Latitude: -31.092
Longitude: 150.931
Dialing Code: 02 (+61 2 from overseas)
Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)
Current Time: 07/03/2025 03:12:54 am
* Source for population data: 2001 census figures
Tamworth, in north-east New South Wales is located just over 400 kilometres north of Sydney, on the western side of the Great Dividing Range. Settled in the 1830s, Tamworth was named after the Staffordshire, UK town of the same name in 1850.
Tamworth is well known for hosting the Country Music Festival for 10 days every January, attracting an estimated 100,000 visitors to the area each year. The festival is thought to be the second biggest country music festival in the world, second only to Nashville, Tennessee.
Tamworth has a diverse economy with industries including aviation, tourism and food production.
The city is twinned with four international cities: Gore in New Zealand, Tamworth in Staffordshire, UK (the town from which Tamworth took it's name), Sannohe in Japan and the Chaoyang District in Beijing, China.
• Other Urban Centres in New South Wales
• List of Urban Centres throughout Australia