Wagga Wagga, New South Wales
Population: 44,272 *
Latitude: -35.110
Longitude: 147.371
Dialing Code: 02 (+61 2 from overseas)
Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)
Current Time: 26/03/2025 08:43:26 am
* Source for population data: 2001 census figures
Wagga Wagga (meaning "place of many crows" in the local Aboriginal dialect) is a city in New South Wales on the Murrumbidgee River, 475km south-west of Sydney.
The city is sometimes known as "The city of good sports" due to the large number of successful sportspeople from the area, and has a disproportionate number of sports teams for it's population. As of 2005 there were 7 Aussie Rules Football teams, 3 Rugby League teams and 4 Rugby Union teams from Wagga Wagga.
• Other Urban Centres in New South Wales
• List of Urban Centres throughout Australia