Postcode 3222, Victoria

Areas in postcode 3222:
Clifton Springs
Marcus Hill

Latitude: -38.201

Longitude: 144.567

Locality: Country Victoria

State: Victoria (capital: Melbourne - 55km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Geelong, VIC (19km away)

Area Code: 03 (+61 3 from overseas)
Warning - Parts of northern Victoria use area code 02.

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 10/11/2024 10:20:36 pm

Nearest Airport: Avalon Airport (20km away)

Nearest Train Station: Leopold Station (10km away)

Nearest Hotels:
Drysdale House Bed and Breakfast (2.6km away)
Faulty Towers (3.4km away)
Ocean Grove B&B (5.8km away)
Jo's House by Great Ocean Stays (6.8km away)
Jan's House by Great Ocean Stays (7.6km away)
Alison's House by Great Ocean Stays (7.7km away)
Ocean Grove Opposite the Beach (8.0km away)
BellAir Luxe (8.2km away)
Home in Golf Course Precinct (8.2km away)
Surf House Ocean Grove (8.3km away)
Ocean Grove Holiday Park (8.3km away)
Riverside Ocean Grove (8.4km away)
Cam's House by Great Ocean Stays (8.5km away)
Ken's House by Great Ocean Stays (8.6km away)
Absolute Waterfront (8.6km away)
More Hotels near 3222

Nearby Features:
Lake Lorne (2.4km away)
Marcus Hill (5.7km away)
Swan Bay (9.5km away)
Burnt Point (9.6km away)
Tip Island (9.7km away)
Rat Island (10km away)
Point Lonsdale (10km away)
Lonsdale Bay (10km away)
Mangrove Island (10km away)
Merian Reef (11km away)
Rabbit Island (11km away)
Duck Island (11km away)
Lake Connewarre (11km away)
Point Norgate (11km away)
Point Richards (11km away)
Point Lonsdale Reef (11km away)
Black Billy (11km away)
Mushroom Rock (11km away)
Swan Island (12km away)
ShortlandBluff (12km away)
Yellowtail Rock (12km away)
Lighthouse Point (12km away)
Barwon Head (12km away)
Edwards Point (12km away)
Drapers Reef (12km away)

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