Canonba, New South Wales

Postcode: 2825

Latitude: -31.347

Longitude: 147.346

Locality: New Country West

State: New South Wales (capital: Sydney - 457km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Dubbo, NSW (155km away)

Area Code: 02 (+61 2 from overseas)
Warning - Parts of southern New South Wales use area code 03.

Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)

Current Time: 22/02/2025 11:32:52 pm

Nearest Airport: Coonamble Airport (106km away)

Nearest Train Station: Summervale Station (29km away)

Nearby Geographical Features:
Arthurs Seat (19km away)
Little Mountain (27km away)
Mount Foster (29km away)
Mount Harris (32km away)
The Log Hole (46km away)
The Brothers (51km away)
Cranes Cowal (63km away)
Jacks Lagoon (75km away)
Sunday Morning Hill (86km away)
Quart Pot Lagoon (86km away)
Dusty Swamp (89km away)

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