Postcode 2836, New South Wales
Areas in postcode 2836:
White Cliffs
Latitude: -31.012
Longitude: 143.559
Locality: New Country West
State: New South Wales (capital: Sydney - 785km away)
Nearest Urban Centre: Mildura, VIC (376km away)
Area Code: 02 (+61 2 from overseas)
Warning - Parts of southern New South Wales use area code 03.
Time Zone: AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10), AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)
Current Time: 22/02/2025 07:52:53 am
Nearest Airport: Cobar Airport (220km away)
Nearest Train Station: Horse Lake Station (186km away)
Nearby Features:
Mooratchia Lake (5.8km away)
Mount Jack (11km away)
Nine Mile Lake (14km away)
Lake Dick (21km away)
Kopago Lake (28km away)
Peery Lake (29km away)
Oulilla Lake (31km away)
Mount Bunker (31km away)
Cullewie Lake (41km away)
The Round Hill (42km away)
Mount Macpherson (45km away)
Mount Murchison (48km away)
Nine Mile Lagoon (49km away)
Tongo Lake (67km away)
Boolpoora Lake (72km away)
Gunyulka Lake (73km away)
The Sisters (75km away)
Wongallarra Lake (78km away)
Greenoughs Hill (79km away)
Pollioillaluke Lake (82km away)
Poopelloe Lake (82km away)
Peveril Peak (83km away)
Macullochs Range (84km away)
Markaira Waterhole (89km away)
Pultewera Range (91km away)