Postcode 5411, South Australia

Areas in postcode 5411:
Giles Corner

Latitude: -34.250

Longitude: 138.763

State: South Australia (capital: Adelaide - 77km away)

Nearest Urban Centre: Adelaide, SA (77km away)

Area Code: 08 (+61 8 from overseas)

Time Zone: ACST - Australian Central Standard Time (UTC+9.5), ACDT - Australian Central Daylight Time (UTC+10.5)

Current Time: 22/02/2025 02:22:59 pm

Nearest Airport: Adelaide International Airport (80km away)

Nearest Train Station: Bagot Well (also known as Baggots Well) (21km away)

Nearest Hotels:
Kapunda Station Bed & Breakfast (17km away)
Auburn Shiraz Motel (26km away)
Amy's House Bed & Breakfast (26km away)
The Rising Sun Hotel (26km away)
Lyreen's Apartment (26km away)
Mellers of Auburn Cafe and Accommodation (26km away)
Lavender Blue Country Accommodation (26km away)
Greenock's Old Telegraph Station (28km away)
Seppelts View Cabins (30km away)
The Lodge Country House (30km away)
The Louise (31km away)
The Paddocks (32km away)
Barossa Gateway Motel (32km away)
Stonewell Cottages and Vineyards (32km away)
Vine Inn Barossa (33km away)

Nearby Features:
Shearers Hill (5.3km away)
Kellys Hill (7.4km away)
Light (8.5km away)
Gilbert (9.3km away)
Kapunda Reservoir (9.8km away)
Taylors Gap (9.8km away)
Peters Hill (9.8km away)
Charlies Hill (12km away)
Mount Allen (14km away)
Jims Hill (17km away)
Meaneys Hill (18km away)
Pinkertons Plains (20km away)
Barbara Hill (23km away)
Belvidere (24km away)
Smith Hill (27km away)
Pattersons Hill (29km away)
Mount Rufus (34km away)
Hawker Hill (35km away)
Mount Horrocks (36km away)
Lagoon Hill (37km away)
Mount Oakden (38km away)
The Bluff (41km away)
Mount Kitchener (42km away)
Diamond Lake (45km away)
Barossa Reservoir (45km away)

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